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Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli (5-6cm) tiger ornamental x10
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Poecilotheriatigrinawesseli, commonly known as tiger ornamental, is an old world, arboreal species
They originate from India, require temperatures between 24-28°c and the humidity to be kept around 65-70%
Females can grow to a leg span of up to 17cm, with the males maturing at a smaller size.
This beautiful species appears similar in markings and colouration to the Poecilotheriaformosa
As with all poecilotheria genus, this species is considered suitable for advanced keepers, due to the potency of their venom, their speed, and the likelihood of a bite when they feel threatened.
This species are great display animals, set up in a nice tall enclosure with a cork bark tube as a centre piece, making themselves visible most in the late evening time
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Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli (5-6cm) tiger ornamental x10
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